Staffing Resources

Ngā rauemi ō ngā kaimahi

We take pride in our extraordinary staffing resources, which make our business successful. We’re here to help you reach new heights by meeting your needs.

We offer regular training in person and through our Life Hub Portal. Our goal is to provide you with the best training, resources, and knowledge to help you prepare for any situation you may face.

Life Hub

Te poka pū ora

The Life Hub is a comprehensive resource for all of your induction/orientation, training and professional development needs. It offers a wide range of educational materials, courses, and online training programs to enhance your knowledge and skills.



Life Plus provides and delivers a multitude of training and education for our staff as well as external parties.

To enable our staff to provide an excellent quality of care, we provide annual training which provides the opportunity for our staff to upskill, refresh or gain other qualifications.

Innovation Hub

Te poka pū auaha

At Life Plus we invite new ideas, but the innovation hub isn’t just about new ideas its about making new ideas happen.

The Innovation Hub is an opportunity to share your great ideas no matter how big or small. That’s why the Innovation Hub exists.

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